25 to 2.000+ hires

Volume recruitment campaigns that fill your vacancies

Recruit large numbers of matching candidates and continue to grow.
  • AS watson group logo
  • I-SEC logo
  • Yource logo
  • securitas-logo-nieuw
  • Transcom logo
  • Maatbeveiliging-logo
  • Bender logo
Gifje controle

Get a grip on the job market

Because of the extremely tight job market, hiring large quantities of good candidates is becoming more difficult by the day. Traditional ways of hiring offer little to no control on your inflow of candidates. This has a negative impact on the growth of your organization. And as work pressure mounts, quality decreases. Explore how it could be different. With our data-driven recruitment campaigns, volume recruiters like I-SEC Schiphol, Transcom, Yource and Securitas succeed in effortlessly hiring tens, hundreds or even thousands of candidates each year.

Gifje bereik

Reach 5x as many candidates

Jobsrepublic helps your organization with hiring the right amount of candidates by tapping into the hidden source of latent candidates. By applying hyper personalization, we reach, motivate and persuade candidates to take a step toward your organization. Learn how our smart recruitment campaigns guide huge numbers of candidates toward a 'yes' to your job offer, making recruitment reliable again.


Gif Persuade

Persuade your candidate to action

Most people who want to change jobs never apply. There are too many hoops, and the added benefit of the new job is unclear. We solve this problem with behavioral science and influence your candidates to action. We measure every click and use that to optimize the candidate journey, removing every obstacle for your candidate. This way, tons of candidates can find their way to your organization, and you can go back to focusing on growing your organization.
Gifje CPH

Lower your cost per hire

The results of our campaign will allow you to get a grip on the inflow of candidates and your target audience. You have control over your own recruitment machine, allowing you to become less dependent on external parties. You'll be top-of-mind with your target audience and drastically lower your cost per hire (sometimes even 75%). Does this sound interesting? Book a free consultation with one of our experts by clicking he button below.

Get your desired result in five steps

No two candidates are the same, but we do love structure. That's why we've divided the recruitment process up in five fases.
Talent Proposition Sprint
Without thorough knowledge of the perception and experience of your candidates your hiring efforts are hopeless. We get in contact with your employees and use structured interviews to figure out the hidden potential for recruitment within your company.
Value proposition and concept
On the basis of the information from the Talent Proposition Sprint, in-depth interviews and job market-data we develop a concept plan. Our experts figure out what moves your target audience and which strings we need to pull to better motivate them into applying. That’s how we translate your added value as an employer to the optimal proposition for your target audience.
In the hiring process every step is crucial. Copywriting, fotography, video and ads have to form a single well thought-out whole in order to effectively influence your candidate. Because small details make all the difference in recruitment, we produce everything in-house with our own creative teams.
Configuration and delivery
During delivery we combine every loose component in order to create an effective hiring-machine. From now on every click is analyzed and every view is monitored, strengthening your grip on your target audience.
Monitoring and continual optimization
When we fire up the hiring-machine our work begins in full. We measure the behavior of the people we are persuading with your proposition, and constantly experiment in order to enhance your reach and grow the conversion rate. Your personal Customer Succes Manager will be by your side and work with you in order to get you the best candidates in the market.
With Jobsrepublic we can have the desired high-level inflow at any time and anywhere
Lonneke Schagen


Customer appreciation based on results
Werf& Award 2018 2
Winner of the Werf& Award for Best Recruitment in 2018, 2020 and 2021


Hires realised in 2021

Here is how we can help you

Schedule a free consultation and get the exact information you were looking for


Receive tailor-made advice during a thirty-minute conversation
At a time of your choosing
No obligations



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